Thursday, June 16, 2011

Queso, Gossip and Wine night!

I like to take care of my family but sometimes I need time to find ME! So the girls and I (mi comadre y mi prima) plan a cheese and wine night once in a while (although it should be weekly!!). It was supposed to be mujeres (girls) only but it turned out to be a boys and girls night. Needles to say that the cheese and wine turned into Sangria, Tostadas de Tinga(Mexican dish), Tlacoyos (another Mexican dish) and  four bottles of wine. What I'm finding out is that I can't keep my Latina mouth shut and things come out RAW! Also finding out is how much comfortable I am in my own skin and not being afraid to say things to my loved ones and then regreting them. The night was just full of sentiment, memories, laughter, argument and much love. Don't get me wrong, I love my family dearly but sometimes we just can't all be in the same room. That is what I call the beauty of INDIVIDUALITY. One phrase that rally stuck with me that my cousin said last night, "You need to accept people for who they are". Do we really have that capability? Anyway, I had such an amazing time and I wish things would be the same as 10 yrs ago. But people change although the memories will remain in our hearts and I cherish each and everyone of them. This post is dedicated to  the Gonzalez clan!

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